Elder Denise Boone
Co-Pastor & First Lady
Lady Denise was born and raised in Decatur, Alabama. She was taught as a
child to become and remain the Woman of God she is today.
Being given the mandate to not only preach the Word of God, Lady Denise also empowers women for God. She is a gifted teacher with a simplistic approach to the Gospel that encourages women to develop a more intimate relationship with Christ. She allows the Lord to use her in teaching the Word of God and leading God’s people in worship.
Lady Denise serves faithfully as chief overseer of all ministries. She serves as Intercessor, Visionary of the Choir, and she is a member of the Praise Team and the Flag Ministry. She formed the women’s ministry of New Life, Women of Excellence, where she ministers to the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of women in the body of Christ.
She believes that in order to serve God we must also learn to become willing servants to one another. Her daily goal is always to impact, invest and make a difference in the lives of God’s people. She is a gifted teacher with a simplistic approach to the Gospel that encourages women to develop a more intimate relationship with Christ.
Lady Denise is well known for her style of dress, for her cheerful spirit, and for her willingness to worship. She is a leader who knows that the true meaning of working in excellence and living a righteous life is by seeking God not just through your praise or prayer life, but also with worship. She also believes that worship is real when you have a true relationship with Christ and it becomes your top priority because you can't come before the King and not offer a gift!
Lady Denise is thankful to God for everyone who has been a blessing in her life; however, she is most grateful to God for placing her in a position to be a helpmeet to a wonderful man of God, Bishop G. Calvin Boone. She accredits Bishop Boone for being a wonderful example, great mentor, awesome teacher, and an excellent leader. Under his tutelage, she has learned so many life-changing lessons, but most importantly, she has learned how to walk in the will of God and to accept the plans He has for you.
Lady Denise is a firm believer that you should Walk worthy, Walk in unity and most importantly, Walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us . . .(Ephesians 5:2a)